Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Library Services Provided to Persons with Disabilities by Colleges Affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur

Author(s):  Dr. Namita Khot, Pooja Pandurang Hujare & Sangram Ashok Killedar

Abstract - In the present paper, the researcher studied the facilities provided to students with disabilities in the affiliated college of Shivaji University Kolhapur. The researcher has studied all types of students with disabilities such as blind, mute, deaf, and hearing. The physical facilities provided by the college to disabled students have been reviewed by the researcher. The research focuses mainly on the services provided by the college to blind students. It has been studied whether the website of the college is accessible to blind students. The researcher used the questionnaire method for the present study to collect data. Questions are formed by using Google forms to study the situation of library facilities for persons with disability. It consists of all aspects to achieve the objectives of the study. The analysis shows that 60.4% e resources are in accessible format for the person having disabilities. 39.6% e resources are not in accessible format for persons with disabilities.35.8% college libraries have their own website rather than college website. But 64.2% college libraries do not have their separate website. 47.2% colleges give wheelchairs to the physically disabled students.18.9% students are given by facilities of adaptive keyboards.10.7% libraries gives ramps and slops to their students.13% libraries do not give any facilities to disabled students. 62.3% libraries have facilities for persons with disabilities. 37.7 % libraries do not provide facilities for persons with disabilities.

Keywords - College Libraries, Persons with Disabilities, Library Services, Assistive Technology.

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Cite This Article As: Khot, N., Hujare, P.P. & Killedar, S.A. (2022) Library Services Provided to Persons with Disabilities by Colleges Affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(2) 85-98.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1534    Page: 85-98    Publication Date: 06 May 2022

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