Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Exploring the Need and Strategies of Information Seeking Behaviour of Law Practitioners at High Court of Karnataka, Dharwad Bench Library: A Case Study

Authors : Govinda Reddy. K. V. & S. Srinivasaragavan

The purpose of this study is to explore the Information Seeking BehaviourLawpractitionersof the High Court of Karnataka Dharwad Bench. It throws light on channels used by the lawyers and information sources preferred by them, methods employed for getting the needed information and their library use. The questionnaire was used as data collection tool and was distributed randomly among 120 advocates. And 92 filled in questionnaires were returned, giving an overall response rate of 76.66present. It was found that respondents used various sources of information as according to their needs. Law Reports, Law Journals (print/electronic) were ranked as the most important sources followed by law reports and statutes and Bare Acts. The online data base and CD-ROM Databaseand Internet based sources, were most frequently used IT-based facilities to fulfil theuserinformation needs.

 Keywords: Information Seeking Behaviour, Information Skills of Law Practitioners,Legal Research, Legal Resources, Information Technology.

crossref logo 300x99                          DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.3.2.2017.1250           DOI URL :

Cite This Article As:  KV, G. R., & Srinivasaragavan, S. (2017).  Exploring  the need and strategies of Information seeking behaviour of law practitioners at high court of Karnataka, Dharwad Bench Library: a case study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 3(2), 15-27.

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Publication Date :  14 August 2017                   Hits :  1559

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