Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

A Study on Managing Koha Open Source Library Management System in the University Library, Central University of Kerala

Authors : SenthilKumaran P. & Sreeja, K.P.

This study examined the use of open source integrated library management system in Central University of Kerala Library with the aim of highlighting the capabilities and potentials of open source software (Koha) and its practical importance to academic libraries across the globe. Library automation benefits both the library staff and the users as it reduces the level of job stress on the staff and enhances remote and timely provision of up-to-date information to the users. It was found that many libraries in India and across the globe have turned more and more to free and open source software. The Libraries of Central University of Kerala is automated library with wi- fi network. Library collections are searchable through Web OPAC; searches can be made by author, title, subject, publisher, class number or by words in title and Boolean search.

The purpose of this paper is to present the objective of designing a bibliographic database for the University Library, CUK with which the automation of circulation routines is carried out. From this point of view it may be concluded that Koha is a useful package for the creation of a database and for information retrieval.

 Keywords: Library automation, Open Source Software, Library and Central University of Kerala

 Cite This Article As:  SenthilKumaran, P., & Sreeja, K. P. (2017). A study on managing  Koha open source library management system in the University Library, Central University of Kerala. International journal of research in library science (IJRLS), 3(1), 91-101.

Copyright © 2017 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  8 April 2017            Hits :  1676

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