Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

ICT Skills for LIS Professional in the Digital Environment

Authors : Narasappa K.C & P Dharani Kumar

Libraries are growing emphasis on use of information technologies have undergone major structural changes in terms of their collections, organizations and services. As the changes occurred in library environment the library and information science professionals should be acquaintance with different skills. In the Digital age need stronger Technological type of librarianship.  This paper emphasizes that acquisition of new sets of skills required by library professionals for survive in this technological based environment.

Keywords: ICT Skills for Library Professionals, Professional Competencies

 Cite This Article As:  Narasappa, K. C., & Kumar, P. D. (2016). ICT skills for LIS professionals in the digital environment. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 2(2),55-58.

Copyright © 2016  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  10 August 2016       Hits : 1905

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