Use of Electronic Resources in VIT University: An Empirical Study
Authors : K.M.Santhi & S.Gopalakrishnan
The usage of e – journals has increased. There has been a considerable increase in awareness among the users about the library e – resources and e-services. A substantial amount has been ear marked by the academic institutions towards e-resources. In this study attempt has been made to identify the use and opinion of e- resources and services available in VIT – a deemed university in Tamil Nadu. Out of 575 questionnaires distributed 507 were responded and the response rate works out to 88.18%. Out of 507 respondents, 384 (75.74%) were from Vellore campus and the remaining 123 (24.26%) from Chennai campus. Further 267 (52.68%) belongs to faculty and 240 (47.32%) belongs to research scholars. The validation has been carried out two ways – One with reliability test and second with use and opinion of e-resources by the respondents. The Cronbach alpha value, a bench mark for Reliability test, for the use of e-resources and opinion on available e-resources were greater than
0.7 which indicates the acceptability of the responses. The frequency of use of seven different types of e-sources such as e-books, e-journals, e-magazine/ newspapers, NPTEL, E-theses/dissertation, Audio/ visual products(CD) and e-database using four point scale such as frequently, occasionally, rarely and not at all from the respondents were ascertained. The preferences were given to “e-journal”, “e-books”, “E-magazine/ newspapers” and “E- database”. Least preferences was given to “Audio/Visual products”, “NPTEL” and “E-theses/ dissertation”. The opinion on available e-resources in Vellore and Chennai campus of VIT University has also ascertain using five point scale such as highly satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied/nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, highly dissatisfied from the respondents. All the e-resources in both VIT campuses were effectively utilized by both the faculty and the research scholars.
Keywords: e-resources, Use and opinion, Reliability test, Validation
Cite This Article As: Santhi,K.M., & Gopalakrishnan, S. (2016). Use of Electronic Resources in VIT University: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 2(2),44-54.
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Publication Date : 10 August 2016 Hits : 1984