Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Understanding Copyright Laws: Infringement, Protection and Exceptions

Author(s) : Anjaneya Reddy N M & Lalitha Aswath

Abstract: Copyright is a branch of Intellectual Property Rights and an exclusive legal right given by the judiciary to the creator on his creation. As a creator (he/she/group) has rights to enjoy financial and other benefits associated as per the law over the creation. Violation of copyright law would lead to several judiciary consequences. On the other hand law permits libraries to use copyrighted material for research and academic purpose without any permission from the copyright holder. Further, any violation or an infringement of fair use of library resources is punishable under copyright act. Here an attempt has been made to understand copyright issues in relation to library resources, also highlight protection, infringement, fair dealings, and limitations under the Indian copyright act 1957. Besides, pointing out on the roles and responsibilities of librarians with regard to copyright laws.

Keywords: Copyright Law; Copyrightinfringement; Copyright exceptions; Copyright and Libraries

Cite This Article As:  Anjaneya Reddy, N. M. & Aswath, L. (2016). Understanding Copyright Laws: Infringement, Protection and Exceptions. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 2(1), 48-53.

Copyright © 2016  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  30 April 2016          Hits :  1777

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