Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Dynamism of Collection Development activities in Central Library, Central University of Orissa, Koraput from 2009-2015

Author(s)  : Bijayananda Pradhan

Abstract: Library is a place in which reading materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, and thesis and often other materials such as musical and video recordings, are kept for use or lending. These documents are made accessible to the users through different retrieval mechanisms. Collection development is about ensuring the growth of a library’s collection in a systematic and planned way, so that long term benefit may be reaped in the future. Collection development in any academic library is a challenging task and one need to be vigilant about the number of copies to be procured for the best use of its user. At the time of collection development, there need to be a proper balance between the budget as well as documents. Academic libraries need to take a proactive approach by implementing Ranganathan’s vision of “library as a growing organism”, with creativity and inventiveness. This article presents the ongoing collection development activities from the period 2009-2015 of Central Library, Central University of Orissa, situated at Koraput district in the state of Odisha.

Keywords: Collection Development, Collection Management, Central University of Orissa, Library Budget, Library Acquisition .

Cite This Article As:  Pradhan,B. (2016). Dynamism of Collection Development activities in Central Library, Central University of Orissa, Koraput from 2009-2015. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 2(1), 17-25.

Copyright © 2016  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  12 April 2016          Hits :  1774

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