Building a Diverse Culture of Knowledge Delivery, Open Education and e-Learning: Opportunities and Challenges through Learner’s Perspectives
Authors : Shiva Kanaujia Sukula, Uttam Kumar & Alok Kumar Dwivedi
The opportunities for understanding the significance of open education, and knowledge delivery can be extended in the societies and a large section of learners can be beneficiaries through awareness and application of information proliferation, open education and resources,
thus approaching equity in all contexts; access to education and livelihood. Based on literature review, the developments in various aspects of knowledge delivery and open education have been analyzed in context of technological platforms, initiatives and recent developments. The large chunk of population in developing countries is rural, and in India, they are multilingual. The article provides an overview and viewpoint of the impacts and problems associated with the knowledge delivery, open education and learners; instructor-learner interactions and experiences, related issues and potential solutions.
Keywords - Open Education, Knowledge Delivery, Open Learner, and Students’ Engagement, Higher Education.
DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.2.2020.1342 DOI URL:
Cite This Article As: Sukula, S.K., Kumar,U & Dwivedi, A.K. (2020). Building a Diverse Culture of Knowledge Delivery, Open Education and e-Learning: Opportunities and Challenges through Learner’s Perspectives. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(2) 121-127.
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Publication Date : 7 September 2020 Hits : 278