Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Bibliometric Analysis of Alopecia Research for the Year 2000-2010 : A Study

                                Authors : Ravichandran .P & Deepa Sharma

This paper presents discuss about the trends in bibliometric studies about Alopecia research during the year 2000-2010, the effort has been done by the researcher to give the unexplorable facts about the research in Alopecia studies due to its nature to be found in every nook and corner of the world.

The data has been collected from the web of science database, using Hitch site to analyze the data and then after it was formulated on excel sheets to give the clear picture to be easily understand. Aim of the study is to give the year wise research output, source wise ,language wise, Journal wise, Institution wise to give clear understanding regarding its position and results, It was found that publication increases with the growth of years indicates that more research was explored in the latest years. English language occupies the top most position and in the country wise position USA with highest of records followed by Germany and UK.

Keywords - Bibliometrics, Skin diseases, Hairfall.

crossref logo 300x99                        DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.2.2020.1341            DOI URL:

Cite This Article As: Ravichandran .P & Sharma .D (2020). Bibliometric Analysis of Alopecia Research for the Year 2000-2010: A Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(2) 109-120.

Copyright © 2020  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  5 September 2020     Hits :  266

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