Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Work done from Home during Corona lockdown by College Librarians: with the special reference to Yavatmal District, Maharashtra

                              Authors : Dr. Sanjay J. Shenmare

MHRD and UGC take initiative towards on-line learning by providing advisory and links of various websites during corona lockdown. Author trying to know the work done by librarians by using technology from home during corona lockdown period in the new age of technology using various tools.

Is the librarian being capable to tackle the critical situation like corona virus lockdown? Is the librarian being capable to tackle the sudden change in education system i.e. hybrid to web-based library services. It is found that the librarians are ever ready to serve web-based library e-services to college students and staff effectively, affordably with the help of himself. Is he able or take initiative to provide guidance, e-literacy programs, some e- training to the users through YouTube or zoom app for the maximum use of available e-resources or create e-contents? The survey result of analysis of google form shows that most of the librarians are less with IT technology with various soft skills like social media presentation/communication skill, IT skill etc.

Keywords - Corona virus, lockdown, internet, software, automation, digitalization, LAN, website, IT skill, NAAC, IQAC, Moodle, Blog, OPAC.

crossref logo 300x99                          DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.2.2020.1340                DOI URL:

Cite This Article As: Shenmare, S.J (2020). Work done from Home during Corona lockdown by College Librarians: with the special reference to Yavatmal District, Maharashtra. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(2) 58-65.

Copyright © 2020  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  12 August 2020         Hits :  322

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