Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Management and Use of Grey Literature in Special Libraries

Authors : CHIKAODILI LORETTA KANU, Rev Fr. Bartholomew Okechukwu  Agu(CSSp) & Ugochi Iruoma Egwuonwu

This research exposed Management of Grey Literature in Special Libraries. The purpose of it is to identify types of grey literature, examine methods of acquisition, processing, preservation and utilization.

In addition, to ascertain management challenges and strategies for improvement. The findings revealed that appreciable size and variety of grey literature resources are available in most libraries but proper management is where problems lie. The major methods of acquisition are donation/gift and standing order deposit for staff. Classification is the main method through which grey literature is processed, while cataloguing, indexing and abstracting are neglected in most cases. It was also found out that the major methods employed by most of the libraries for preserving grey literature are the use of shelves with labels and vertical files collection with content descriptions. The popular access points are print lists and shelf guides. Some of the challenges encountered with the management and accessing of grey literature resources in the area include lack of national bibliography for grey literature, as well as unwillingness of originating bodies to release copies of documents which topped the list. Recommendations were proffer by the researcher.

Keywords - Management, Grey Literature, Special libraries, Uses and Digital Age

Cite This Article As: CHIKAODILI LORETTA K. , Agu, B.O. &  Egwuonwu, U.I..(2020). Management and Use of Grey Literature in Special Libraries. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(2) 48-57.

crossref logo 300x99                            DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.2.2020.1326             DOI URL:

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Publication Date :  10 August 2020         Hits :  327


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