Web 2.0 Features in the Library Websites of Agricultural Universities in India
Authors : Dr. Chikkamanju & Dr. G. Kiran Kumar
The purpose of this paper is to explore recent trends in the application of Web 2.0 features related to Agricultural University Library websites in India.
The seventy one Agricultural Universities derived from the website of Higher Education, Government of India were considered for collection of data. This selection was based on whether the website are in English and have at least one Web 2.0 feature. Each university websites were visited and data on their Web 2.0 features (such as Face book , YouTube, Linkedin, Instant Messaging, Wikis and so on) were collected and analyzed.
The results reveal that fifty five university libraries use Face book, and forty six university libraries provide twitter for users. About 38 university libraries are using YouTube, whereas Wiki is the least applied Web 2.0 technology, with only ten university using it and few Web 2.0 applications are yet to become popular facilities to be offered in university library web sites.
Research limitations/implications
The findings of the study can be utilized to assess the status of assorted Web 2.0 tools used in libraries of Agricultural University in India. It may enable future research to investigate other aspects, such as the features of Web 2.0 tools in other academic libraries, special libraries, reference library of a particular country as well as continents.
The present research paper begins with an evaluating of Web 2.0 features and how they could be used in the library context. however, provides concrete evidence of the application of Web 2.0 in the libraries of Agricultural University, they have implemented various types of Web 2.0 technologies, like Social networking sites, Linked in, Twitter,RSS, Blog, Mashups, Instant messaging etc.
Keywords - Web 2.0; Academic libraries ; Agricultural University; Higher education; World Wide Web; India.
Cite This Article As: Chikkamanju & Kiran Kumar.G (2020). Web 2.0 Features in the Library Websites of Agricultural Universities in India. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(2) 12-23. www.ijrls.in
DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.2.2020.1327 DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.26761/ijrls.6.2.2020.1327
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Publication Date : 31 July 2020 Hits : 353