Impact of Social Networking on Higher Education
Authors : Karan Singh, Ipsita Panda & Bulu Maharana
In the modern era, 21 century is the way of communication .social Networking play a crucial role in the field of teaching and research purpose for the Various sectors like- Education, Health, agriculture , science and technologies, Modern technologies
are easily use to sharing their information one person to group persons. In the information communication technologies and social Network provides a new dimension to share any kind of information among the people in this environment. In the changing era social networking play a crucial role for growth and development of higher education and explosion of information and transition from print to electronic have influenced the user behavior. It can also play an important role for sharing, collaboration, community building and participation. This technology exists in different forms such as wikis, social bookmarking, and blogs podcasts.
Keywords: Social networking, SNS, Higher education, Technology, Libraries
Cite This Article As: Singh,K.,Panda,I.,& Maharana, B. (2015). Impact of Social Networking on Higher Education. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 1(2), 12-17.
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Publication Date : 13 January 2016 Hits : 1039