Bibliometric Analysis for Literature: An Overview
Authors : Bharti & Dr. Meera
Bibliometric is an strategy utilized for investigate the information about any area. It is a quantitative study which covers the different-different parts of literature on a point, which is useful to distinguish the example of distribution, authorship, and auxiliary journal etc. this is best way for understanding the strong and weak concept of any area. This can prompt better association of information resources, which is basic for successful and productive use. Bibliometrics has accomplished refinement and intricacy with a national, global, and interdisciplinary character.
.Keywords - Bibliometric Study, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometric Indicators, Bibliometric Techniques, Bibliometric Theory.
DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.7.1.2021.1367 DOI URL:
Cite This Article As: Bharti & Meera (2021). Bibliometric Analysis for Literature: An Overview. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(1) 92-97.
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Publication Date : 8 February 2021 Hits : 259