Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Libraries as Centers for Disseminating Indian Knowledge Systems

Author(s):  Sudhakara N.

Abstract - The broad and varied Indian Knowledge System (IKS) results from thousands of years of combining historical knowledge, scientific breakthroughs, and cultural legacies. As guardians of knowledge, libraries play a crucial role in creating, advancing, and maintaining this system. For India's knowledge systems to be preserved and shared, libraries are essential. They facilitate learning, promote literacy, and give individuals access to knowledge. By capturing, digitizing, and documenting traditional knowledge, libraries also contribute to its preservation. A library maintains both traditional records like books, journals, and newspapers as well as non-traditional documents like charts, maps, and so forth. is essential in forming our civilization. Through books and other resources, it transmits and disseminates the knowledge that has been gathered. Instrument knowledge, intellectual knowledge, and spiritual knowledge are the three general categories into which knowledge is divided.

Keywords - intellectual knowledge, libraries, information dissemination, and the Indian knowledge system

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Cite This Article As: Sudhakara N.  (2025) Libraries as Centers for Disseminating Indian Knowledge Systems. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 11(1) 243-246.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1842    Page: 243-246    Publication Date: 08 March 2025

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