Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Role of Libraries as a Prerequisite to Social Well-being

Author(s):  Samyuktha S Nair

Abstract - As the title suggests the paper intends to explore the role of libraries as a pre-requisite to social well-being. While the educational role of libraries and their aim in spreading social harmony is well known, this paper investigates a different perspective, the ambience of a library, which helps it to make a happy place, a place to spread the notion of communion within its users. The connection between emotional intelligence and happiness is examined to study its effect in creating a stable ambience. Ambience being crucial to mental peace, it is essential in a place called a library as people look forward to visiting a library to elevate themselves or to collect data. In both these scenarios, peace of mind cannot be overlooked. Hence the discussion on the role of a therapeutic ambience towards happiness. This paper explores the factor mentioned above that contributes towards the satisfaction of the users involved, thereby promoting social harmony and well-being.

Keywords - Therapeutic landscape, bibliotherapy, well-being, happiness, social harmony, emotional intelligence.


Cite This Article As: Nair, S.S. (2024) Role of Libraries as a Pre requisite to Social Well-being. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 10(2) 101-106.

Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retains the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Paper ID: IJRLS-1761    Page: 101-106    Publication Date: 8 June 2024

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