Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Users' Expectations and Experience in First Grade College Libraries: A Study

Author(s):  Savitha K. & Dr. Mallinath Kumbar

Abstract - The study investigates the User's Expectations and Experience in first-grade college libraries in Kolar and Chikkaballapura districts in Karnataka. This study examines the quality of library resources and services, infrastructure facilities, document collection and services offered by college libraries, to assess and compare the quality of library service among the Government, Private Aided and Private Un-Aided colleges. For this purpose, the researcher has prepared a well-structured questionnaire as a tool for data collection and the collected questionnaire has been analyzed and presented in the form of suitable tables. The article concludes with appropriate suggestions.

Keywords - Users Expectation, Users Experience, First Grade College Libraries, Karnataka State.

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Cite This Article As: Savitha K. &  Kumbar, M. (2024) Users' Expectations and Experience in First Grade College Libraries: A Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 10(1) 90-111.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1735    Page: 90-111    Publication Date: 04 March 2024

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