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A Study on Information Seeking Behaviour of Public Library Users in Belagavi District

Author(s):  Tayappa B. Adin,  Dr. V.M. Bankapur & Mallikarju Kumbar

Abstract - The present study assesses the Information Seeking Behavior among the Public Library Users in Belagavi District. Users received 150 surveys that were dispersed at random. There were 126 completed surveys among them. The chi-square test was used to analyze the questionnaire's responses statistically. The majority of library patrons read every day, according to the research. According to the survey, 41.27% of respondents have a bachelor's degree, and 73.80% of users are men. Reading in the library is done to keep one's knowledge current. The main conclusion is that most respondents are satisfied that magazines and newspapers are available and are kept separate in the library.......

Keywords - Information, Information Seeking Behavior, Public library, Users. User Satisfaction, User Behavior, Library Resources, Library Use, City Central Public Library Belagavi.

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Cite This Article As: Adin, T.B., Bankapur,V. M. & Kumbar, M. (2024) A Study on Information Seeking Behaviour of Public Library Users in Belagavi District. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 10(1) 79-89.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1731    Page: 79-89    Publication Date: 17 February 2024

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