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Awareness of Social Media among University Faculty Members: A Comparative Study

Author(s):  Mrs. Kiranmai, Dr. M. Anjaiah & Dr. A. Kishore

Abstract - This research paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of faculty members' awareness and preferences for various social media tools, academic platforms, and communication technologies in diverse universities. The findings reveal that faculty members across different academic ranks exhibit strong awareness and recognition of these digital tools and platforms, with prominent preferences for WhatsApp, ResearchGate, ORCID, Google Docs, and Skype. Notably, libraries are perceived as needing improvement in providing awareness about academic social media sites. The study underscores the significance of enhancing awareness programs, supporting document management and communication tools, and strengthening library services to cater to the evolving needs of faculty members, ultimately promoting more effective engagement and academic endeavors within the higher education landscape.

Keywords - Academic social networks, social media platforms, higher education, academic libraries, satisfaction

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Cite This Article As: Kiranmai, Anjaiah, M. & Kishore, A.  (2023) Awareness of Social Media among University Faculty Members: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 9(4) 113-124.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1708   Page: 113-124    Publication Date: 10 November 2023

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