Conforming PEPGI system of industrial revolution 4.0: Recommending SUPFRA approach for LIS fraternity
Author(s): Dr. Soumen Mallik
Abstract - The emergence of industrial revolution 4.0 across the globe is manifested by a sudden and radical transformation in societies. The contemporary 4th industrial revolution (4IR) is characterized by a convergence of different technologies into digital technology. Therefore, the prevalence of 4IR is dependent on the existence of the digital revolution which is sought to be the predecessor of the present revolution. This article identifies PEPGI as an underlying synchronized system of five core components namely - Politics, Economics, Policy, Governance, and Internationalization (PEPGI) responsible for sustainable industrial revolution 4.0 in the human society. Librarianship in the era of 4IR requires a strategy for conforming PEPGI. This article analyses the philosophy of PEPGI and identifies its influence in materializing 4IR. Finally, this article recommends a strategy called SUPFRA approach in conforming PEPGI of 4IR. SUPFRA approach is an acronym for Subject, Users, Platform, Format, Resource, Accessibility (SUPFRA) is recommended in this article as a strategy for the library fraternity to conform to 4IR conveniently.
Keywords - Digital Revolution, Digital Divide, Information Revolution, Digital Library, Library 4.0.
Cite This Article As: Mallik, S. (2023) Conforming PEPGI system of industrial revolution 4.0: Recommending SUPFRA approach for LIS fraternity. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 9(3) 202-205.
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Paper ID: IJRLS-1495 Page: 202- 205 Publication Date: 21 September 2023