Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Adoption of ChatGPT and the future of Libraries

Author(s):  Murtala Aminu, Dr. Meghna Vyas & Dr. (Prof.) Mayank Trivedi

Abstract - This paper provides an overview of ChatGPT and the futire of libraries. With all the technological advances that have changed the way we live and work, artificial intelligence has been a major force behind these changes. The introduction of OpenAI’s ChatGPT has opened a world of new possibilities. Artificial intelligence plays a key role in today's technology, working behind the scenes to simulate human intelligence and help us with many things. The academic and research libraries will adopt new technology and try to improve their services and gain a competitive advantage with ChatGPT and other AI apps. This study investigates the adoption of ChatGPT for the future of libraries. Moreover, the research questions were designed in relation to the statement of the problem and the objectives of the research, which were also observed accordingly. Based on the findings thus far, ChatGPT will never be able to replace current human delivery. Artificial intelligence plays a key role in today's technology, working behind the scenes to simulate human intelligence and help us with many things, but it will not harm the future of libraries. These face-to-face interactions (whether in person or online) and community relationships are also what many patrons long for and enjoy in libraries today. Furthermore, due to the very unusual "valley effect," researchers doubt that there is enough incentive in the industry to create robots that could replace librarians in their functions. Finally, artificial intelligence (AI) will not be able to compete with human intelligence, like libraries.

Keywords - ChatGPT, Libraries, Artificial Intelligence, Future.

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Cite This Article As: Aminu, M., Vyas, M. & Trivedi, M. (2023) Adoption of ChatGPT and the future of Libraries. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 9(2) 200-206.

Copyright © 2023 Author(s) retains the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Paper ID: IJRLS-1660    Page: 200-206    Publication Date: 2 June 2023

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