Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Textual Similarity Patterns and Citation Style Errors in Literature Review Chapters of LIS Theses of South Indian Universities: A Study

Author(s):  Chikku Balachandran & N. S. Harinarayana

Abstract - This study investigated the PhD students' writing styles of the Reviews of Literature chapter in the theses submitted at southern Indian universities. These days, doctorate students frequently plagiarize original authors' words without giving them the required credit. This practice is common since students frequently copy entire or portions of manuscripts from original authors without giving due credit. The study used corpora constructed from the review of the literature chapter of randomly selected 20 theses accessible from Shodhganga.  The results showed that students displayed an array of improper borrowing of texts. While copying text as it is in the original source and failed to paraphrase the content intentionally or unintentionally. Similarly, concerning improper paraphrasing, ‘change of reporting verb’ was the highest form of error in terms of plagiarism. Among the in-text citation inaccuracy both short quotation without quotation marks and block quotations without separate intended paragraphs were frequent in review of literature chapter.

Keywords - Textual similarity, Plagiarism, Citation error, Content borrowing, academic dishonesty.

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Cite This Article As: Balachandran, C. & Harinarayana, N.S. (2023) Textual Similarity Patterns and Citation Style Errors in Literature Review Chapters of LIS Theses of South Indian Universities: A Study.International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 9(2) 27-33.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1639    Page: 27-33    Publication Date: 12 April 2023

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