Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Using Six Sigma Applications in Corporate Library Services: A  Study

Author(s):  Laxmibai S Kattimani & Dr. Maranna O

Abstract - Purpose: The present research provides insights on the scenario of corporate library services after Six Sigma has been implemented by conducting a comparative analysis. The case companies used for present research are TCS and Infosys.

Methodology: A total of 196 employees of Infosys and 237 employees of TCS while 43 library staff of TCS and 38 library staff of Infosys participated in the study. Comparative analysis was done to assess the difference in perception of the staff and employees of the two organizations. Descriptive analysis was conducted using frequency analysis while Paired Sample T-test was conducted for inferential analysis.

Results: The research found no significant difference in the perception of employees of both the companies on post implementation scenario of Six Sigma on library services. Similarly, no significant difference was found in the perception of library staff of both the companies on changes in services of library post Six Sigma implementation. The only difference that was assessed was in between perception of library staff on services of library wherein staff of Infosys library function has slightly reduced while that of TCS stated that it is unchanged.

Implications: The present research provides, both TCS and Infosys, details on real time post six sigma implementation situation. Not only for TCS and Infosys, this study can prove to be a manual for other technology giants as well who have or want to implement Six Sigma in their library services.

Originality:    This research is one of its kinds as it has focused on comparative analysis between two technology giants so as to assess their real time situation of six sigma in corporate libraries. Such attempt has not been made before.

Keywords - Six Sigma Applications, Library services, Data analysis, TCS and Infosys.

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Cite This Article As: Kattimani, L.S. & Maranna, O. (2023) Using Six Sigma Applications in Corporate Library Services: A  Study.  International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 9(1) 47-62.

Copyright © 2023 Author(s) retains the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Paper ID: IJRLS-1600    Page: 47- 62    Publication Date: 06 February 2023

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