Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Professional Ethics and Values of Librarianship in view of College Librarian

Author(s):  Dr. Avijit Dutta

Abstract - Library and information science professions are very challenging and at the same time exciting future. The working environment is becoming more and more complex with constant change in the organizational, technological and information environment. Professionals have to keep up to date with new forms of information, information media and information sources, new technologies and systems, and new tasks and roles. They have to navigate with the complex environment of social, political and cultural situations, which is often in the turmoil of restructuring. They also have to constantly justify themselves and their services, and demonstrate their value to the parent organization. This paper reviews the challenges in professional values and ethics in librarianship and the competencies, skills, knowledge and attitudes needed by college librarians to survive and flourish in the digital era.

Keywords - Librarianship, Profession, Values, Ethics.

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Cite This Article As: Dutta, A. (2023) Professional Ethics and Values of Librarianship in view of College Librarian.  International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 9(1) 1-6.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1607    Page: 1-6    Publication Date: 9 January 2023

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