Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Inception of Law Library Post Covid-19: Opportunities and Challenges

Author(s):  Surabhi Mishra

Abstract - Law is an integral part of any nation and society for smooth functioning of the government and for the rights of citizens. It provides a sense of security to the people of any country. It is very important to a society, because by making law and with the implementation of the same, citizens of any country or society can live with the assurance that there is something which can prevent them from any wrong or unethical action of any individual or society or government as well.  Knowledge about the fundamental rights and duties is necessary for all people of society so that they may get aware about their rights as well as their duties. With the law implementation in the society citizens get the civic sense to live in the society. To understand the laws and how to implement them, there is provision in every nation, people get basic information or knowledge at the study levels. To become specialist in law or to get more knowledge about the law, people get professional education in law to be representative of their community or to help and support the persons who need justice. In India, legal education was in demand even before we got independence. Some of the freedom fighters had this legal background too and after 1947 when India got independence, basic legal education became necessary part of curriculum. Now there are so many universities offering Law courses.

Keywords - Legal Education, automation, school of Law, inception, opportunities, new library.

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Cite This Article As: Mishra, S. (2022) Inception of Law Library Post Covid-19: Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(4) 80-87.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1593    Page: 80-87    Publication Date: 6 December 2022

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