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Role of Library Science in Agriculture College: A Case Study

Author(s):  R. Karthikeyan, N. Indianraj & L. Vishnu

Abstract - Agricultural College libraries play a significant role in the transformation of agricultural education to assist sustainable development in India. Agriculture in India has been given eminence among the sectors of the economy. Agricultural institutions were established to accommodate for agricultural education research and extension lead of rural agriculture. Knowledge about the users and their demands is indispensable to make library and information services operative and user oriented. Agricultural College libraries offers information services to farmers, agricultural business organizations, students, livestock producers, research workers subject specialist teachers, this is in expectancy to encounter the challenge of man, food and deprivation and to make for a sustainable development. It reviews the trends in agriculture and information delivery and the implications of these trends for users and for the relationship between information professional and user. It suggests roles which librarians and information professionals can assume in order to meet agriculturists’ information needs.

Keywords - Agriculture, Transformation, Farmer, Economy, Government, Education, Education research.

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Cite This Article As: Karthikeyan. R, Indianraj, N. & Vishnu, L.. (2022) Role of Library Science in Agriculture College: A Case Study.  International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(4) 51-54.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1591    Page: 51-54    Publication Date: 18 November 2022

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