Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Use of Electronic Services by Students in Medical Institutions Libraries of Karnataka

Author(s):  Prabhakara.S, Dr. H. E. Prasanna Kumar & Dr. F G Patil

Abstract - The medical institution library plays a vital role in providing information of services and sources to fulfill the users in their educational activities. Electronic libraries is  a manifestation of changes in the information media which will not be a thing of  distant future, but we start gaining ground in India on  the present century 600 questionnaires were self administered by the researcher at the libraries of the four medical colleges under study. After continuous follow up with the respondents, 478 filled-in questionnaires were received back. Out of 600 questionnaires collected, 478 were deemed usable ones making a moderate response rate of 79.66% which was found adequate for the analysis

Keywords - Medical Institution Library, Electronic Resources, Computer Literacy.

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Cite This Article As: Prabhakara. S,, Prasanna Kumar, H. E. & Patil, F. G. (2022) Use of Electronic Services by Students in Medical Institutions Libraries of Karnataka.. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(3) 81-87.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1563    Page: 81-87    Publication Date: 22 August 2022

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