Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

An exploratory study of the Gender spectrum using N-Gram analysis to show its distribution in latest edition of DDC through literary warrant

Author(s):  Ankira Sanyal

Abstract - Gender spectrum is a term which describes all the gender present in our society. It cannot establish the Gender, Male and Female as polar opposite. In 6th September, 2018 Supreme Court declares that Gay marriage is legal and it’s natural. People have no control over it. Being a library professional a curiosity was there to study the Gender spectrum and it’s expand in different classification system through literary warrant. N-gram analysis is used to see the frequency of terms used in literature and world cat database is used to see the literary warrant of selective concepts.

Keywords - Gay, Gender spectrum, Lesbian, Ngram study, N-gram value, worldcat database etc.

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Cite This Article As:  Sanyal, A. (2022) An exploratory study of the Gender spectrum using N-Gram analysis to show its distribution in latest edition of DDC through literary warrant.  International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(3) 58-65.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1564    Page: 58-65    Publication Date: 16 August 2022

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