Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Information and Communication Technology Skills for Information Science Professionals and its Profitability to Library Services Delivery in Federal Universities in South- South Nigeria

Author(s):  Evelyn Omoluabi IDIODI (Ph.D) & Martin Oniovoghai EMEZAIVWAKPOR

Abstract - The study examines the various Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills for information science professional and its profitability to the librarianship profession for service delivery in Federal University in South -South Nigeria. The study was a descriptive survey research. The population for the study was library staff of the federal university in South- South Nigeria. A rating scale was designed to fulfil the stated objectives and was also used to collect data for the study. Analysis for the study was done using mean rating and standard deviation. Findings revealed that information science professionals in Federal University libraries in South-South Nigeria basically lack ICT management skills. The study further reveals that majority of the respondents agrees to a very large extent that the profit derived from ICT skills are enormous. Further findings also reveal that an ICT facility for rendering library services is a welcome development.

Keywords - University Library, Profitability, ICT facilities, Databases Skills and Social Media.

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Cite This Article As: IDIODI, E.O. & EMEZAIVWAKPOR, M.O. (2022) Information and Communication Technology Skills for Information Science Professionals and its Profitability to Library Services Delivery in Federal Universities in South- South Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(2) 121-133.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1507    Page: 121-133    Publication Date: 12 May 2022

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