Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Present Status of Green Library Aspects and Its Implementation in Academic Libraries of Maharashtra

Author(s):  Meena Dongare

Abstract - This study of green library aspects of academic libraries in Maharashtra will help the libraries to assess their place in the green library revolution according to norms and aspects about green library. Survey of library users has carried and their expectation from library has framed into green library criteria to save the environment. A green library is a library built with environmental concern and norms. It works as a sustainable Library. It provides minimum harms or no harms to society and reduces the demand which will in turn harm the environment like deforestation. It is library with eco-friendly green aspects .It saves energy, it save environment it reduce pollution, Green libraries are a part of the larger green building movement. Currently there are already lots of certification systems, rating systems and labels and some of these could be appropriate for Green Libraries initiatives. In this survey we observe that in this era only green building should not be the parameter of measurement of green library but green and eco friendly function and collection should be the part of it. Every library is also having scope to search for more aspects and include it in green revolution of library as per their geographical area. Target group used for survey is from urban and rural area to make the result comprehensive.

Keywords - Green, Library, Academic, Sustainable, Survey, Geographical, Environmental.

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Cite This Article As: Dongare, M. (2022) Present Status of Green Library Aspects and Its Implementation in Academic Libraries of Maharashtra. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(2) 99-104.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1538    Page: 99-104    Publication Date: 06 May 2022

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