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Artificial Intelligence Research output in India from Scopus Database (2011-2020): A Scientometric Analysis

Author(s):  S. Ravichandran & Dr. N. Siva

Abstract - In the ten years from 2011 to 2020, the global research output in artificial intelligence has a total of 223538 publications. The annual global output increased from 15892 publications in 2011 to 33192 publications in 2020. The world's five-year artificial intelligence research output increased by 39.61 percent from 88533 publications in 2011-2015 to 135005 publications in 2016-2020. Growth was relatively faster in the second half of the study period 2011-2020. From 2011 to 2020, in the field of artificial intelligence India's research output amounted to 18371 publications. The United States topped the list in collaboration with India, accounting for (37.52%) of the share. In the last ten years, China has accounted for the highest global publication share (25.58%). With 6982 (38.01%) publications, most of the publications in this research work were two authorship. The average collaborative degree is 0.95, and the average CC value is 0.60. The average value of the CI is 2.90, and the average value of MCC is 2.90. From 2011-15 to 2016-20, the activity index in Earth and Planetary Sciences fell from 110.72 to 94.72, and in Arts and Humanities fell from 84.84 to 107.47. Amity University, Noida, 462 (15.08%) research publications, Choudhury, T, 46 (13.77%) research publications Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing appeared in the most number of journals in 2016 (36.23%). As a result, a careful examination revealed that the number of publications on artificial intelligence research is an increasing trend.

Keywords - Scientometric, Authorship pattern, Degree of collaboration, Relative growth rate, and doubling time, Collaborative index CI, CC, MCC, Co-authorship index, Time series analysis.

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Cite This Article As: Ravichandran, S. & Siva,N.  (2022) Artificial Intelligence Research output in India from Scopus Database (2011-2020): A Scientometric Analysis. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(2) 60-78.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1537    Page: 60-78    Publication Date: 28 April 2022

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