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Publications and Citations Analysis of Twitter Research output from SCOPUS Database: A Scientometric Analysis

Author(s):  S. Ravichandran,  Dr. S. Vivekanandhan & Dr. N. Siva

Abstract - The 10-year present study period of Twitter research publications between 2011 and 2020, A Scientometric analysis from the Scopus Database with 32014 research publications and 451247 citations. A maximum of 5110(15.96%) research publications are contributed in the year 2020, A maximum of 61648(13.66%), citations are received 2310 publications in the year 2013. The maximum of citations per paper is 52.36 in the year 2011. The maximum RCI is 3.71 in the year 2011, the average RCI is 1.38. The CAGR is 29.64. The RGR is 0.93 in the year 2012 and 0.17 in the year 2020. This study confirmed that the RGR is decreasing trend. At the same time doubling time was found that 0.75 in the year 2012 and 3.99 in the year 2020 and it is confirmed that doubling time is an increasing trend. A maximum of 64 (13.01%) research publications are contributed by Liu, H. The United States. A maximum of 8030 research publications are contributed by two authors, and the average degree of collaboration is 0.83, the average CC is 0.54, the average CI is 2.96, average MCC is 2.96. The time series analysis statistical application will be expected in the Twitter research publications in the year 2025 is around are equal to 6921 and the year 2030 is around are equal to 8781.  So these research publications are increasing trend. A maximum of 14476(45.22%) research publications are contributed by conference paper in the document type. A maximum of Journal of 1801(35.28%) research publications are contributed by Lecture Notes In Computer Science Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics, The maximum of 260(13.42%) contributions is from Carnegie Mellon University, and finally the country of the maximum of 9634(38.34%) research publications are contributed by the United States.

Keywords - Twitter, Scientometric, Compound annual growth rate, Relative growth rate, Co-author index, Degree of collaboration, Time series analysis, Relative citations index.

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Cite This Article As:   Ravichandran, S., Vivekanandhan, S. & Siva, N. (2022). Publications and Citations Analysis of Twitter Research output from SCOPUS Database: A Scientometric Analysis. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(2) 9-26.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1527    Page: 9-26    Publication Date: 8 April 2022

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