Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Identification of Problems and Prospects in Library Automation: An Investigation of Modernized Libraries for Young Scientific Minds

Author(s):  Anuj Yadav & Dr. P.S. Rajput

Abstract - The study examines the pre and post library automation problems in the Libraries of Private Engineering and Management Colleges of Indore city, Madhya Pradesh, India. A well structured questionnaire method was adopted to collect the primary data from librarians and other staff who is associated with automation activities. The 25 colleges that use the library automation software were selected. 100 questionnaires were distributed and 82 fully filled questionnaires were received and analyzed. It was found that 59.75% respondents indicated inadequate technical expertise as a very high problem in pre-automation. And Poor Internet connectivity in post automation problem is very high. A considerable majority are of the view that automation will improve library image.

Keywords - Library Automation, Automation problems, Prospects and Privets Colleges.

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Cite This Article As: (2022). Yadav, A. & Rajput, P.S. Identification of Problems and Prospects in Library Automation: An Investigation of Modernized Libraries for Young Scientific Minds. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 8(1) 184-191.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1508    Page: 184-191    Publication Date: 05 March 2022

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