Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Human Relations in Academic Libraries as Predictor in Managing the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic for Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria

Author(s):  Abiola Abosede Sokoya, Lukmon Abolaji George & George O. Onyenania

Abstract  – In organizations, which academic library is one of them, human relations (HR) are sine-qua-non for growth and development. HR is being used by successful organizations all over the world not only to grow their businesses, but also to make a big impact on the economy of their countries. Libraries are critical to a country's economic recovery and progress, particularly in difficult times like the current COVID-19 Pandemic sweeping the globe. Thus, the study looks into HR in academic libraries as a predictor in preventing the spread of the virus in Lagos State to enhance and sustain long-term economic development. The population includes all categories of library users at UNILAG, YABATECH and FCE. Slovin's algorithm for sample size determination was used to pick a sample size of 384 respondents using the multivariate random sampling technique. Data was gathered via a questionnaire. To address the study research questions, the whole data obtained from 351 respondents was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The most important findings are: HR activities in academic libraries’ influence on the spread of COVID-19 in the country are low, while the level of management of COVID-19 in the country is relatively poor. Several problems were discovered to confront library users in the utilization of library resources toward the management of COVID-19, and recommendations were provided. The study also indicates that HR concept is a significant variable in library services that could affect users' attitudes toward library resource use, allowing for more effective management of the deadly virus's spread in the country would go a long way in attaining sustainable national development among others.

Keywords – Human Relations, Library Services, Users, Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic Development.

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Cite This Article As: Sokoya, A.A., George, L.A. & Onyenania, G.O. (2021). Human Relations in Academic Libraries as Predictor in Managing the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic for Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 226-235.

Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Paper ID: IJRLS-1478    Page: 226-235    Publication Date: 30 November 2021

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