Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

The Role of Public Library in Promotion of Informal Education with Special Reference to Rural Area

Author(s):  Namita G. Patel, Dr. Indira N. Dodiya

Abstract  – A public library is a social organization. In which everyone can get information and informal education without discrimination of caste, religion, age, etc. Hence, it is known as “Common Man Universities”. In this research article, we described about the role of public libraries in promotion of informal education with special reference to rural area. The area of study is limited to the public libraries in the valsad district. The main objective of this study to know the role of public libraries in promotion of informal education. The survey research method used by the researcher for the present study. As well as a structured questionnaire was prepared as a tool for data collection. The present study investigated that male users were more than female users. The most of the respondents in the public libraries was 26-35 age groups and most of the users was students and unemployed. They visited to public libraries in daily basis and maximum number of users was time spent more than three hours. The majority respondents were using the public library for reading purpose and prepare competitive exams. They use of competitive exam books. Majority users gave opinion were excellent about the usefulness of public library in informal education and information resources and services available in the public libraries. But they faced many problems like that lack of time to read available material, lack of modern technology to acquire electronic information resources faced in getting informal education, lack of infrastructure facility, lack of relevant information content and insufficient copies of the required information material available in the public library.

Keywords – Rural Area, Valsad District, Public library, Role of public library, Education, Informal education, Life-long learning.

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Cite This Article As: Patel, N.G.,  Dodiya, I.N. (2021). The Role of Public Library in Promotion of Informal Education with Special Reference to Rural Area. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 213-225.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1465    Page: 213-225    Publication Date: 30 November 2021

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