Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

A Study of Websites of CBSE Schools of Aurangabad (M.S.) District

Author(s):  Mohammed Muzzammil Ahmed & Dr. Nilima Bankar

Abstract  – The present study aimed to know the functionality and presentation of the web sites of CBSE schools. The data collection for the present study is done by using survey method. To analyze the websites some basic criteria’s have been taken over. These criteria’s are authority, objectivity, accuracy, currency, coverage and scope. Apart from this study has also been taken by analyzing the buttons, links, no. of pages and download facility etc. After data collection the same has been analyzed. This paper shows the analysis of the websites of these Schools in Aurangabad district. As a result it is found that majority of CBSE schools in Aurangabad district are in urban area, and near about half of the schools are providing download button on their websites. Further it is found that majority of schools websites are providing map, links and buttons. But unfortunately majority of school websites are having commercial domain name as .com.

Keywords - Website Survey, CBSE School Website Survey.

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Cite This Article As: Ahmed, M. M. & Bankar, N. (2021). A Study of Websites of CBSE Schools of Aurangabad (M.S.) District. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 162-168.

Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Paper ID: IJRLS-1475    Page: 162-168    Publication Date: 23 November 2021

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