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ICT Literacy Competencies among Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students of College of Agriculture, Vijayapur (UAS, Dharwad): A Study

Author(s):  Dr. G. Kiran Kumar

Abstract  – The study mainly focused on ICT  Literacy Competencies among  Undergraduate and  Postgraduate Students of College of Agriculture, Vijayapur. The present study examine the ICT literacy competencies, frequency and purpose  of  use of computer, level of computer skills, usage of various types of electronic information resources and services, impact of ICT on  academic performance, benefits of use of e-resources and problems associated with utilization of ICT applications and to suggest ways and means for enhancing ICT literacy competencies among undergraduate and postgraduate students. For this purpose the researchers prepared a well structured questionnaire as a tool for data collection and the collected questionnaire has been analyzed and presented in the form of suitable tables. The article concludes with appropriate suggestions.

Keywords - ICT Literacy, Electronic Resources, ICT Literacy Competencies, Retrieval Techniques, Agriculture Students.

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Cite This Article As: Kiran Kumar, G (2021). ICT  Literacy Competencies among Undergraduate and  Postgraduate Students of College of Agriculture, Vijayapur (UAS, Dharwad): A Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 124-134.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1474    Page: 124-134    Publication Date: 17 November 2021

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