Performance Appraisal Variables and Job Satisfaction of Library Staff of Tertiary Institutions in Imo State
Author(s): Dr. Adaora J. Udo-Anyanwu & Linda I. Uwandu
Abstract – The study examined performance appraisal variables and job satisfaction of library staff of tertiary institutions in Imo State. The study adopted survey and correlational research designs. The population of the study is 189 library staff of the libraries studied which was also used as sample for the study. Out of 189 copies of instrument distributed, 154 copies were returned showing 81.5% return rate. The rating scale captioned “Influence of Performance Appraisal Variables on Job Satisfaction of Library Staff Scale” was the instrument used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using mean (x) scores, standard deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) for the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test. Findings of the study show that library staff are satisfied to a high extent in the libraries studied and there is a relationship between reward, training, promotion and job satisfaction of library staff. However, the relationship of feedback and job satisfaction is to a low extent. The researchers recommended that: the academic library management should make every effort to improve upon the level of job satisfaction of library staff to a very high extent to ensure achievement of set goals and objectives; government and academic institution management should ensure that salaries, allowances and other incentives are paid as and when due to boost library staff job performance as well as job satisfaction; academic library management in collaboration with the academic institution management should ensure that library staff are sponsored to conferences, seminars and workshops regularly to keep them abreast with new trends in their profession for greater job performance and satisfaction, and academic library management and management of academic institutions should ensure regular promotion of library staff to enhance job satisfaction.
Keywords - Performance, Appraisal, Reward, Training, Feedback, Promotion, Job Satisfaction, Library Staff.
Cite This Article As: Udo-Anyanwu, A.J. & Uwandu, L. I. (2021). Performance Appraisal Variables and Job Satisfaction of Library Staff of Tertiary Institutions in Imo State: A Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 90-101.
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Paper ID: IJRLS-1464 Page: 90-101 Publication Date: 03 November 2021