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Use of Smartphones among Research Scholars at Bangalore University: A Study

Author(s):  Chowdappa V

Abstract  – The present a study on use of Smartphones among research scholars at Bangalore university. The study indicated that most of the research scholars are used smartphones, in this paper sought to investigate the digital literacy using smartphones of research scholars in Bangalore University. The study brings about the purpose of using smartphones, browser used to search information in smartphone, mobile application used for research, advantages and limitations of using smartphone. The most used browser was the Google Chrome 81.66% and nearly 95.83% respondents used typed keywords to search for information on smartphones. The reliability of information obtained was checked only by respondents. It also observed that the major benefits for using smartphone was their immediate access to information and the barrier was their screen size, the result from this study reflect the research scholar’s willingness to adopt the digital technology for information access.

Keywords - Smartphones, Research scholars, Digital information literacy skills.

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Cite This Article As: V, Chowdappa (2021). Use of Smartphones among Research Scholars at Bangalore University: A Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 85-89.

Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Paper ID: IJRLS-1460    Page: 85-89    Publication Date: 29 October 2021

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