Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Study Pattern on Library Use Behavior of Education College Library: A Survey

Author(s):  Amaravathi V

Abstract  – The present research paper Examine that Study pattern on library  use behavior of Education college library there are 77(100%) are using Text books collections in their college library followed by 77(100%) are using Reference books collections,65(84.41%) are using Periodicals collections, 77(100%) are using Newspapers and Magazines collections, 57(74.02%) are using Reports collections and 68(88.31%) are using Non book materials collections from their college library, 6(85.72%) responded that satisfactory with Circulation service,63(81.81%) are satisfactory with Reference Service, 44(57.15%) are satisfactory with Inter library loan,61(79.22%) are satisfactory with Bibliography service, 68(88.31%) are satisfactory with Current Awareness service, 60(77.93%) are satisfactory with Selective Dissemination of information service and 69(89.61%) are satisfactory with Xerox service, 57(74.02%) are responded that Reading Rooms of college was Excellent 49(63.63%) are responded that Furniture of the library was Excellent, 48(62.34%)are responded that Cleanliness of the library was Excellent, 37(48.05%) are responded that Ventilation of the library was Excellent, 63(81.82%) are responded that Drinking water of the library was Excellent and  43(55.85%) are responded that Toilet facility of the library is Excellent.

Keywords - Library Behavior, Education College, Collections, Reference Books, Periodicals, Newspapers, Circulation Service, Cleanliness, Ventilation, Drinking water.

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Cite This Article As: Amaravathi V (2021). Study Pattern on Library Use Behavior of Education College Library: A Survey. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(4) 26-35.

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Paper ID: IJRLS-1450    Page: 26-35    Publication Date: 14 October 2021

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