Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Student's perception towards Information Literacy Awareness: A case study of postgraduate students of the University of Calcutta, West-Bengal, India

Author :  Amita Roy

Abstract  – Purpose: The main concept of information literacy is how to locate information, how to evaluate information and how to use information. My subject of study intends to underpin the students’ perceptions towards Information Literacy awareness among the post-graduate students of the University of Calcutta.

Design/ methodology/ approach: A survey method is used for the present study where a set of questionnaire was designed for the data collection. The questionnaire are both open ended and close ended. The objectives of this paper are to identify their information seeking behavior and search strategy of the postgraduate students of the University of Calcutta; to identify the information needs and the use of information of them, to recognize the IT skills among students, and to identify the knowledge about digital literacy of them.

Findings: Students can retrive information from different sources and use it in their educational purpose. In the part of using information, they are quite unconscious about it. 69% of users known about the terms and conditions of copyright and fair use. But only 15% users  know how to use  citation properly and 33% users known about plagiarism.

Limitations: This study is limited to the post graduate students of various department of the University of Calcutta.

Originality/values: This article is totally original from all aspects and manuscript have not been submitted anywhere previously.

Keywords – Academic Library, university library, information literacy, digital literacy, information seeking behavior, search strategy, information need, use of information, IT skills.

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Cite This Article As:. Roy, A  (2021). Student's perception towards Information Literacy Awareness: A case study of postgraduate students of the University of Calcutta, West-Bengal, India. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(3) 48-57.

Copyright © 2021  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date :  26 July 2021

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