Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Utilization of Library and Information Resources in Government and Aided Degree Colleges in SPSR Nellore District Andhra Pradesh: A Study

Authors :  E. Kiran Kumar, Dr. E. Sudhakar & Prof. I. Chandraiah

Abstract  – In this paper I studied usage of library and information resources of in Government and Aided Degree Colleges in SPSR Nellore District in Andhra Pradesh, distributed 2000 questionnaires in colleges and collected 1862 questionnaires. I found in this study the library information resources, services (electronic & print), and library expressed their opinion about library working hours, physical facility, library information resources and services excellent and good.

Keywords - Academic libraries, Government and Aided Degree Colleges, Library and Information resources, Library physical facilities

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Cite This Article As:. Kiran Kumar, E Sudhakar, E. & Chandraiah, I.  (2021). Utilization of Library and Information Resources in Government and Aided Degree Colleges in SPSR Nellore District Andhra Pradesh: A Study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(3) 12-19.

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Publication Date :  12 July 2021

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