Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

ICT Facilities Available in Three Polytechnic Libraries in South East, Nigeria

Author:  Adaeze Nwona Nzewi

Abstract  – The Article paper is on ICT Facilities Available in Three Polytechnic Libraries in South East, Nigeria., Nigeria Polytechnic libraries are also categorized as academic libraries that select, search, organize, maintain and preserve library resources. The polytechnic libraries are established to meet the needs of its students and members of the academic staff. It is good to re-state that for itself alone, there is no need for the library to exist. Its value lies in the unique services provided, and its materials, facilities, personnel, can be justified only through the contribution of these services to educational programme of the school. The design adopted for this study was a descriptive survey. The population of the study consists of library staff that includes professional librarians, para professional librarians, and system analysts in the three Polytechnic libraries, South East, Nigeria. This is based on the records available at the office of the Polytechnic librarians of the institutions. A total of 94 library staff in Federal Polytechnic Library, Oko, Anambra State, Federal Polytechnic Library, Nekede, Owerri Imo State and Abia State Polytechnic Library, Aba, Abia State were under study. The instrument for data collection for this research was observation check list, which the researcher used for the identification of ICT facilities available in the three polytechnic libraries under study and a self-constructed questionnaire titled Information and Communication Technology Application in South East Polytechnic Libraries (ICTASEPL) was the main instrument of data collection. Findings showed that the three polytechnic libraries possessed some ICT facilities and applications of them to the services are low.

Keywords - Use, ICT, Facilities, Polytechnic libraries and Library Staff.

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Cite This Article As: Adaeze Nwona Nzewi (2021). ICT Facilities Available in Three Polytechnic Libraries in South East, Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS),7(2) 101-110.

Copyright © 2021  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date:  24 May 2021

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