Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Sustainability of Academic Library: Olusegun Oke Library

Author :  Sobalaje Adewale Joel

Abstract  – The aim of this study was to look at the relationship that exists on the adequacy of resources, adequacy of services, the currency of resources, maintenance of library facilities within Olusegun Oke Library. Structural questionnaire were used to collect data from 64 library staff in the study area, out of which 58 (90.6%)responded and were used for analysis. Descriptive statistic was used to analyze the data using frequency, percentage table and regression analysis to test the relationship between variables. The results showed that both the adequacy of resources, the adequacy of services, the currency of resources and maintenance of library facilities can sustain academic library in the study area. Notwithstanding, only bindery services, document delivery services, and funds were inadequate to presently sustaining library services and activities. Therefore, the results from this study support the research model propounded by the author, tagged “ four pillars of sustainability for an academic library. Conclusively, this study gives room for further study in the nearest future to analysis on the relationship between fund allocations and sustainability of academic libraries in Nigerian universities.

Keywords - Sustainability, Adequacy, Resources, Services, Maintenance and Academic Library

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Cite This Article As: Joel, S.A. (2021). Sustainability of Academic Library: Olusegun Oke Library. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(2) 24-38.

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Publication Date :  26 April 2021  

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