Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

QR Code: Useful Application In Library Services

Author :  Sudhakar T. Ghorpade

Abstract  – Today users like a speed ,convenience, portability fast and easy navigation, Access information immediately without having a look for computer,  Library apps have not to  use the web browser .Mobile site  offered all library services available regardless of the platform a patron is using, in a manner that easy to navigate and institutive to use.  The  QR Code Model-1and  Model-2are the typical types of QR codes which are consider as main structure of QR Codes for the other types. Micro QR codes is a type which has main position is  detection pattern an  it has reduced the size of printing. IQR code is a QR code which is present in both square and rectangular so that can easily printed on cylindrical product to. Store more data to less space as comparers to regular one. SQRC is full forms as secure Quick Response Code hence it provided to reading restriction to it. Frame QR code are the QR code which has the canvas area for providing different shapes to QR codes and making in more attractive to users and customers.

.Keywords - QR Code, Library services, QR Code Generator

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Cite This Article As: Ghorpade S.T. (2021). QR Code: Useful Application In Library Services. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 7(2) 19-23.

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Publication Date :  19 April 2021

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