Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Reinventing Academic Libraries and Learning – Post-Covid (19) in the Perspective of Collaboration among Key Stake-holders in Higher Education: A brief Assessment and Futuristic Approach

Authors :  Dr. Shiva Kanaujia Sukula, Dr. Neelam Thapa, Dr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Shipra Awasthi

The article is an attempt to highlight the current status of the libraries based on the literature review from the year 2001-2020 and the future of libraries anticipated in higher education Post Covid-19. The study has employed Rapid Review method to carry out the research by reviewing published literature. The findings based on the literature reviewed revealed that Post Covid 19 through various mediums and tools the libraries have upgraded to meet the timely information of the users such as, redesigning digital landscape, raising service quality, enhancing research support service, etc.

 Keywords – Academic Libraries, online learning, Higher Education, Rapid Review, technological supports, university libraries, student attention.

 crossref logo 300x99                          DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.1.2020.1319     DOI URL:

 Cite This Article As: .  Sukula, S.K., Thapa, N., Kumar. M.& Awasthi, S. (2020). Reinventing Academic Libraries and Learning – Post-Covid (19) in the Perspective of Collaboration among Key Stake-holders in Higher Education: A brief Assessment and Futuristic Approach. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(1),77-92.

Copyright © 2020  Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.



Publication Date : 2 July 2020   Hits : 613

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