Estd Year 2015 | ISSN : 2455-104X | Email :

Use of Journals among Doctors in Academic and Research Institutions in Chennai: A Study

Authors :  W. Godwin Rajesh, & Dr. R. Ambuja

Research communication in medical domain was predominantly through journal articles. These journals were published by commercial organization, academic institutions and professional bodies either in print or online or sometimes in both formats. Enormous amount were spent towards these journals especially in medical domain. Therefore it is essential to study the use of journals among doctors in academic and research institutions in medical domain. A structured questionnaire was distributed among 605 faculty members of five private medical colleges in Chennai, taking into account 40% of the total respondents in each institution. The data were collected during August to December 2019. Out of 605 questionnaires distributed 497 were received. The response rate works out 82.15%. The use of journals were analysed based on type of journal referred, Source from which journals were accessed, choice of journal based on content and part of the journal frequently referred.42% of medical professionals prefer both print and online journals. The source for the journal was from library print or online subscription and professional bodies. Speciality of the subject and affordability and quality of the journals were considered as preference in the choice of the journal. Letters to the editors, case report, original research papers and professional news were frequently referred by the doctors of the academic and research institutions of medical domain.

 Keywords: Use of Journals, Medical professionals, Source of journal, choice of journal, Academic and Research institutions.

crossref logo 300x99                            DOI : 10.26761/IJRLS.6.1.2020.1306       DOI URL :

 Cite This Article As:  Godwin, R.W. &  Ambija, R. (2020). Use of Journals among Doctors in Academic and Research Institutions in Chennai: A study. International Journal of Research in Library Science (IJRLS), 6(1),18-26.

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Publication Date : 26 May 2020   Hits : 587

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